
17 months

Hey chicken,

You are growing up so fast. This age is a bit of challenge for me, but a lot of fun too. You are becoming very independent and learning how to do more and more things. The biggest change in the past couple of months has been your vocabulary and your mobility. You are walking faster and can almost run now. This morning you climbed onto your little chair all by yourself! You can go down the stairs with the help of my hand or the railing. You're getting faster at climbing...you went all the way up our new stairs yesterday without any help! 
I'm going to list all of the words you currently say so that you can look back on it one day:
Poppy (the Grandpas)
ba (ball)
ba-ba (balloon)
ca (car)
gee (key)
sta (star)
bok (box)
bu-bu (blueberry)
ra-zee (raisin)
cookie (I did NOT teach you this one)
ber (bear)
sue (shoe)
ka-koo (thank you)

You are very curious and want everything identified by pointing and saying "that?!" You love to help around the house. Yesterday you helped me sweep and you always help me with my socks and shoes before our morning walk. 
You love Elmo. I usually let you watch him in the morning so I can make breakfast and have a cup of coffee (Mommy is not a morning person). You LOVE balloons. Completely obsessed. Lately it's been a challenge to take you to the store because you go nuts over them. You like to draw and color...yay! Grammie gave you your first set of crayons so we've been coloring together at your little table. It's my favorite activity to do with you. You still love music. As soon as you hear a song come on, you either start bouncing, swaying your head, or spinning around. Either way it brings a huge smile to your face. You love to be outside. We've been going for a walk every morning and you always fall asleep because it's so relaxing to you. Yesterday we all went for a walk with you in the backpack carrier and I've never seen a bigger smile on your face. You looooove your Daddy. To the point of pushing me away whenever I come around you two. 
You have finally figured out how to purse your lips like a fish for kisses instead of giving open mouth kisses. It's so cute. 
I am so proud of you. Yesterday was your first time in the church nursery...first time with complete strangers and you did great. They said you were an awesome kid and didn't cry at all. It made me a little sad because you didn't even look back at me...went straight for the toys! But I'm proud of you for being such a little man and being so independent. You are definitely a people person like your Daddy. Probably could make friends with a rock like him. 
I love you more and more each day and you have my heart forever.


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