
so blessed

Ugh! How has another month gone by? I'll try to be better about keeping up the blog. House transformation is in full effect...pics soon to follow. I have so much in my head but I have no energy to write after monster man finally closes his sweet little eyes.
I'll try to break the silence tonight with a little story. It's amazing the people we randomly meet in life and how God can use them to shed light on our rough spots. Last Monday was Columbus Day and Kennon had a rare day off. We were running a few morning errands and I was in line at Martin's with little man. Thankfully Kennon met up with us in the knick of time and whisked him away before I had to tell him for the 100th time that we were NOT going to get the pumpkin balloon. A sweet lady in line behind me at been ooing and ahhing over Calder and commented on how lucky I was to have a husband like that. Then she proceeded to tell me how hers had held her and her young son at gun point for three days. WHAAT?! She didn't call the cops because she figured someone would die that way. She talked him out of it and got him some help. He ended up falling in love with the woman in the room next to him at rehab and left her. Wait...there's more. This son was not her only child. She lost three others at birth and blamed herself...come to find out, there were high radiation levels on the air force base where they lived.
If anyone has a right to be depressed and bitter, it's her. But she has nothing but high hopes for her ex-husband and wishes him well. Talk about grace.
I've been a bit naggy with Kennon lately because toddlerhood is is no joke. But don't you know that I saw him in a new light that morning. I know how good I have it. He is an amazing husband and father.
Thankfully the person in front of us needed a price check so that I could hear this woman's story. I don't think that was a coincidence. Just a sweet little 8th grade teacher for Chesterfield County. She needed to share her story and I needed to hear it...you never know what people are going through.

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